Canadian Mining in Puebla and its Impacts on Human Rights. For the life and future of Ixtacamaxtitlán

Publishing date: March 27, 2017

Research conducted by: Alejandro González, Tamar Hayrikyan, Patricia Legarreta, Mayeli Sánchez, Julieta Lamberti, Óscar Pineda, Silvia Villaseñor, Alejandro Marreros y Esmeralda García

In collaboration with: Laura Grassi, Flaviano Bianchini, Steve Atkin, Aretha Burgos, Andrés Martín Vignon Whaley, Isabel Clavijo, Fernanda Alvarado, Diana Pérez, Ignacia Serrano, Irma González Rodríguez and Rosa Govela


Editor: Patricia Legarreta and Óscar Pineda

Editorial design: Enrique César


Participating organizations: Unión de Ejidos y Comunidades en Defensa de la Tierra, el Agua y la Vida Atcolhua, IMDEC, CESDER and PODER

THIS COMMUNITY-LED HUMAN RIGHTS IMPACT ASSESSMENT (HRIA) AIMS TO IDENTIFY, MEASURE, AND PREVENT THE IXTACA PROJECT’S NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS.More specifically, the HRIA demonstrates the discrepancy between the State’s obligations and the extent to which it fulfills them; identifies the mining company as an actor obligated to respect human rights and existing Mexican laws and regulations; provides a baseline of the environmental, water, and public health conditions prior to the launch of the mining project; evaluates potential impacts; and damage that has already occurred.This HRIA provides technically consistent information from and for the communities affected by Almaden Minerals’ activities. It is based on research conducted by specialists in geo-chemistry, biology, cartography, corporate research, health, law, and human rights.The current state of the rights to water, health, and a healthy environment is that they are only partially guaranteed. The presence of Almaden Minerals constitutes a risk to the full enjoyment of these rights as it implies increased competition for land and water as well as irreversible damages to water, health, and a healthy environment caused by open-pit surface mining.


Human Rights in Impact Assessment of Ixtaca's Project.

Marzo 27, 2017

Human Rights in Impact Assessment of Ixtaca’s Project.

Anexo 1

  Marzo 27, 2017

Informe de investigación empresarial.

Anexo 2

  Marzo 27, 2017

Informe sobre impactos ambientales.

Anexo 3

  Marzo 27, 2017

Estado actual del derecho al agua y potenciales impactos en el agua, la salud y el medio ambiente del Proyecto Ixtaca.

Anexo 4

  Marzo 27, 2017

Resumen del plan propuesto para la mina y de las consecuencias potenciales del proyecto de Ixtaca.

Anexo 5

  Marzo 27, 2017

Metodología geomática y cartografía comunitaria.

Anexo 6

  Marzo 27, 2017

Resultado de encuestas para línea base.

Anexo 7

  Marzo 27, 2017

Comunicaciones con autoridades y la empresa.

Anexo 8

  Marzo 27, 2017

Iniciativas internacionales para la regulación de actividades empresariales.

Anexo 9

  Marzo 27, 2017

Revisión y actualización de la información para el Proyecto Ixtaca.