Grupo México

A company with a long history of impunity

Grupo México is a multinational company, it is Mexico’s largest mining firm, the leading producer of copper in Mexico and Peru, and the fourth largest copper producer in the world.

In Mexico, it is also present in other sectors–railroads (Ferromex, the country’s largest railway transport concern), entertainment (Cinemex) and infrastructure (engineering, construction, energy generation, land and offshore drilling, including leasing and operating oil platforms). In recent months it has also announced its involvement in real-estate projects.

Its CEO and lead shareholder is Germán Larrea Mota-Velasco, the second richest man in Mexico. 

Some of the companies that make up Grupo México are: Americas Mining Corporation, with its subsidiaries and affiliates, Southern Copper Corporation (Minera México, Southern Perú); ASARCO (US), and Minera Los Frailes (Spain).

PODER has discovered that the company, which operates in Mexico, Peru, the United States, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Spain, has a long history of impunity, socio-environmental impact and human and labor rights violations that go beyond borders.

Grupo México is responsible for the worse environmental disaster in the history of Mexican mining, which took place on August 6, 2014, when 40 million liters of acidulated copper sulfate spilled from the Buenavista del Cobre copper mine at Cananea, into the Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers. The toxic spill affected more than 22,000 people in seven municipalities.

Almost six years later, the affected communities continue to demand access to safe water, health care and economic reactivation.

Through strategic research, advocacy campaigns, communication and support for the community organization, we have assisted the Comités de Cuenca Río Sonora, a social movement calling for justice, remediation, and assurance that this tragedy will never be repeated.

Here you can find reporting, research, communication materials and everything that we have produced about Grupo México to expose its poor practices, to encourage the company to be held to account, and to help access justice for the thousands of people affected by its activities.

If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us.


DOWNLOAD (in Spanish)

La situación del agua en el #RíoSonora

Agosto 18, 2021

Descarga los 9 infomapas sobre la situación del agua en los municipios del Río Sonora, a #7AñosDeImpunidad.

#RíoSonora: #7AñosDeImpunidad

Agosto 4, 2021

Descarga la cronología de la impunidad, a siete años del derrame.

¡Basta de simulación y #7AñosDeImpunidad!

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Pronunciamiento de los CCRS.

6 años de promesas incumplidas: #RíoSonora6

Julio 31, 2020

Documento especial con las claves del caso y las voces de los Comités de Cuenca Río Sonora.

Mapa del derrame en el Río Sonora

Febrero, 2020

Área afectada por el derrame de lixiviados de cobre, ocurrido en agosto de 2014.

EIDH Río Sonora 2020

  Abril 03, 2020

Evaluación de Impacto en Derechos Humanos en Río Sonora

Impactos socioambientales de Grupo México

Agosto, 2019

Mapa de impactos socioambientales provocados por Grupo México en los últimos 25 años.