Feminists4BindingTreaty: Key Recommendations on the Second Revised Draft dated 6 August 2020 of the Legally Binding Instrument to regulare, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational...
Business and Human Rights
Five strategies corporations use to avoid responsibility for human rights abuses
Nine years after the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, avoiding accountability for corporate abuse is still very common. Hiding behind complex supply chains, undermining unions,...
Tailings dam failure in Sonora, Mexico in 2014 and construction of new dam by same company in same area
Miguel SOTO Director of Strategic Engagement and Advocacy Campaigns, Project on Organization, Development, Education and Research (PODER) Overview Thank you John for this invitation and thank you all of you for coming...
Civil society warns of omissions in the creation of the National #BizHumanRights Program in Mexico
CIVIL SOCIETY WARNS OF OMISSIONS IN THE CREATION OF THE NATIONAL BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM IN MEXICO • The Mexican Government ignored recommendations from the Civil Society Focal Group on Business and Human...
Recommendations to MX Government on the National Baseline Assessment for UN G. Principles #BizHumanRights
Recommendations to the Mexican Government in relation to the National Baseline Assessment for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Mexico This document contains...
National Baseline Assessment for the implementation of UN G. Principles on Business and Human Rights in MX
National Baseline Assessment for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Mexico The present study identifies the policy criteria in the field of business and human rights that...
Civil Society asks to the United Nations to document human rights violations by business enterprises
Mining, infrastructure and energy projects –including hydroelectric and wind farm projects-, are those that caused the major number of human rights violations. On the occasion of the official visit to Mexico of the...
Assessing the Impact of Investment Projects on Human Rights
18 November 2014 This report aims to identify best practices in Human Rights Impact Assessments (hereinafter, HRIA) and incorporate these findings into the development of an HRIA tool for communities affected by...
Can CSR ratings help improve labour practices in global supply chains?
1 September 2011 On March 1, 2011, some of the world’s largest apparel and footwear corporations announced the creation of a new Sustainable Apparel Coalition, an initiative to develop an industry-wide index that would...