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Grupo Mexico’s shareholders must demand accountability to the companies responsible for human rights abuses and lack of remediation
The Sonora River Watershed Committees, the local movement organized to demand comprehensive remediation and respect for our human rights following the environmental disaster caused by Grupo Mexico in Sonora almost 7 years ago, call on its institutional investors to...

Affected communities and PODER warn about investing in Almaden Minerals’ Ixtaca Project after the rejection of the company’s Environmental Impact Assessment
Mexico City, February 22, 2021. Following the Mexican Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat)'s rejection of the Environmental Impact Assessment (MIA) of Almaden Minerals Ltd, the affected communities of Puebla and PODER confirm that investing in...

Five strategies corporations use to avoid responsibility for human rights abuses
Nine years after the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, avoiding accountability for corporate abuse is still very common. Hiding behind complex supply chains, undermining unions, disseminating distorted information – these are just a...