Strategic Research
Creating data tools is at the heart of PODER’s work. The research we conduct with these tools directly benefits civil society and communities affected by corporate activities. We train workers, communities and grass-roots organizations on how to take ownership of and use these tools and the results of our research. Learn more. See the team.
Community Organization
Transparency Technology
For many, companies are like “black boxes”: information on them is virtually inaccessible. To correct this asymmetry, PODER develops and applies technologies to open up, analyze and disseminate company information. Learn more. See the team.
Strategic Engagement
PODER creates and convenes spaces, at the local and global levels, for the voices of communities who would otherwise be excluded from the dialogue between companies and government. We participate in strategic national and international fora,and campaigns for corporate accountability. PODER also engages with decision-makers to advocate for regulation to protect human rights in the private sector. Learn more. See the team.
Cross-cutting Areas
External Communications
Strategic Litigation
PODER sees litigation as a tool for achieving our accountability goals in the short and long term. This strategy has been applied in emblematic cases, including as part of our accompaniment of communities affected by a toxic spill from a mine in Río Sonora. See the team.
Organizational Development
Funding and Operations
The funding and operations team supports the organization with administrative, accounting, logistical and management issues. See the team.